TORMENTS OF THE MIND & BROKEN HEARTS HEALED THROUGH DELIVERANCESome video footage taken from the meetings in Malaysia 2018 of broken hearts and torments of the mind being healed through deliverance, praise God.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
DELIVERED FROM A SPIRIT OF EMPTINESSThe Holy Spirit revealed that this man had the spirit of emptiness in him. This spirit makes one feel like they are incomplete, like there is a hole in one's heart. The Lord delivered this man from this spirit and the feeling of emptiness left him and he testified to feeling clean and clear! Hallelujah! Praise God! Luke 6:21 "Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh". - at Cornerstone Glory International PJ.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
DELIVERED FROM THE SPIRIT OF BONDAGEThis gentleman came a second day at the meetings held at Cornerstone Glory International. He asked for a greater touch of God. You see, when we are baptised in the Holy Spirit, the work of sanctification begins as the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins and calls for our repentance. With repentance, many spirits that used to dwell in us can now be commanded to leave to make more room for the Holy Spirit so that we may become more like Jesus. This gentleman came with the right heart set towards the Lord and so Jesus delivered him further and deeper into a relationship with Him. He also had some words for him. "The Lord sees your heart He knows your heart Keep drawing close to Him He has secrets to tell you" Psalm 44:21 "Would not God search this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart."
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
DELIVERED FROM SPIRITS OF GRIEF, HURT & HEARTACHEThis young lady was delivered from spirits of grief, hurt and heartache through prayer at Glory Fire Church, Sanford, FL, USA. She was so overwhelmed when they left her, that she burst into tears of joy and relief, in fact it was the first time that she had shed a tear since she'd been adopted, worrying that if her new parents saw her pain that they may send her back to the children's home that she had come from. Such a moving and incredible moment, praise God.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
DELIVERED FROM A SPIRIT OF GLOOMINESSThis lady came with pressure on her head causing her pains. As we prayed for her, the spirits in her started manifesting but would not come out because they had formed a stronghold. We've found in these cases, to pray in the Spirit until the Lord gives revelation as to the spiritual stronghold. In some cases it may need a repentance from sin or it may need the disposal of cursed objects before the spirit will leave. And in other cases it may require a prophetic action or calling out the stronghold by name. Only as led by the Holy Spirit can we move according to God’s battle plan. In this case the Holy Spirit revealed to us that the stronghold was the spirit of gloominess, shown as a spiritual black cloud above her head. As soon as we called out the spirit by name, she started coughing out the unclean spirits. She testified that the headache, heaviness, grief and pain had all left! Hallelujah! Praise God! Mark 1:26 And when the unclean spirit had convulsed him and cried out with a loud voice, he came out of him. - at Cornerstone Glory International.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
I visited a friend and, while I was there, her ten year old daughter was showing me drawings that God had shown her in visions and, as I turned to the last page that she had drawn, there was a picture of a heart, and inside it were the words ‘God’, ‘Jesus’, ‘Holy Spirit’, ‘faith’, ‘blessing’, ‘kindness’, ‘hope’, ‘bible’, ‘love’, and ‘peace’, all in separate compartments. I asked her what it meant, and she replied, “That’s what Jesus is going to make my heart look like.” So I then asked her to draw a picture of what her heart looked like now. So she drew another picture of a heart with compartments, but this one had a large compartment in the middle with the word ‘sadness’ written inside. So I asked her where the sadness came from, and she said that she had been sad for that long that she just didn’t know. I knew that her parents had separated when she was very young and felt that this was the cause. |
DELIVERED FROM A SPIRIT OF GRIEFDelivered from a spirit of grief, at Glory Fire Church, Sanford, FL, USA
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020