GOD HEALS RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS IN HER HANDSAfter prayer this lady received healing from rheumatoid arthritis at Faith Covenant Tabernacle, KL. Praise God, she shares in this video.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Monday, September 14, 2020
HEALED FROM PARALYSISThis man had a stroke a month ago and lost the use of his left arm. As we prayed for him, his arm began to be restored with feelings of warmth and pins and needles. Eventually, after 30 minutes he was able to grip with his hand that before prayer was totally paralysed. All Glory To God! Luke 10:24 For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them".
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Monday, September 14, 2020
GOD HEALED JOINT PAINS IN HER HANDSDuring a meeting at Cornerstone International Church, KL, this lady came forward for prayer and received healing in her hands from pains in her joints. She had been suffering for over two years but was completely healed during the meeting, praise God.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
GOD HEALS A PARALYSED ARMThis lady had been left paralysed in her arm from an overdose of radiotherapy from cancer treatment 10 years previous.. After prayer she began to feel pins and needles and started to regain her movement.. How awesome is our God.. Agape Fellowship, SW France.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Monday, May 11, 2020
WRIST PAINS HEALEDThis lady came with pains in her wrist. Kevin prayed for healing and she testified that the pain decreased and her wrist joints loosened! Hallelujah! Glory to God! John 15:11... that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. - at Cornerstone Glory International Church, PJ Malaysia
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
WRIST HEALED BY GOD IN TAMWORTHWhile at Hope of Glory Church, Tamworth, NSW, Australia, I offered prayer to this young lady, as she'd had pains in her wrist for years and after she received her healing she tested her wrist by trying to open a jar in the kitchen.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
GOD MIRACULOUSLY HEALS HANDSA Christian sister brought this lady to the meeting at FGB SS2. She was seeking healing for her hands. They were swollen and they couldn't close. When she came to the altar for prayer, she asked for healing but she was an idol worshipper of the Chinese Diety Goddess of Mercy, Kun Yum. She gave her life to Jesus and repented. Kevin prayed for her hands and she was healed and her fingers could make a fist. Spirits of holding joss sticks and praying to Idols came out and a curse was broken over her hands and fingers. Praise God... Miraculous salvation!
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Monday, May 11, 2020
FINGER BONES REALIGNED BY GODFinger Bones Realigned by God at Bowen Christian Outreach Centre, Bowen, Queensland, Australia.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
MIRACLE HEALING FROM MANY SICKNESSESThis was a very moving healing for us. This lady had been waiting for these three days of ministry to come, for us to be in Malaysia, for the Lord to heal her. She had been crying to the Lord all week prior and she came in full belief that Jesus was going to heal every sickness in her, even telling her doctor so and refusing the womb surgery she was advised to have. She had a hernia, fibroid, polyps, two strokes on the left side of her brain, a twisted spine and paralysis of the right arm. We asked the Lord for a 'miracle healing beyond belief' and the Lord first healed her of hernia, which was preventing her from walking properly as it was popping out of her abdomen. As she had many illnesses, we told her to come back the next day where she would be the last one we'd pray for. When she returned on the second day, her countenance was already visibly brighter. The Lord was so faithful and healed all her sicknesses and even improved her vision. When we prayed for her back, she could feel her 'bones twisting back into it’s true position. She later found she was able bend much more than before. When we prayed for her arm, she testified that her muscles started moving internally and that she felt stronger. She also testified to feeling 'relief' in her womb, praise God, how awesome.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Wednesday, May 13, 2020
GOD HEALS LADY'S ELBOW JOINT IN MALAYSIAWhilst I was ministering with CKRM Church, Petaling Jaya in Malaysia, God healed this lady's elbow joint, during prayer, how awesome.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
GOD HEALS THE NUMBNESS LEFT BY HIS STROKEThis man had received a stroke which had left him numb down the right-hand side of his body, he came in faith to the healing/deliverance meeting being held at Cornerstone International Church KL. I have witnessed these kinds of healings before and have seen people receive “pins and needles” as their nerves are coming back to life, so it was awesome to hear this guy testify that he was receiving the feeling of “pins and needles” because, after prayer this was in fact the first time that he’s felt any feeling since his stroke! Praise God.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
MULTIPLE HEALING & IMPROVED EYESIGHT FROM GODAfter prayer God improved this guy’s eye sight, restored feeling back to his hand and healed his knees during the meeting at CKRM PJ. Hallelujah! Glory to God!
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020