DELIVERED FROM RELIGIOUS SPIRITS CAUSING NECK PAINSThis lady attended a meeting held at Cornerstone International Church, PJ and came forward to receive prayer for pains in her neck, which she had been suffering for over three years. Through deliverance from religious spirits, she was healed, praise God. Religious spirits always try and make you do what only God can do, burdens, heaviness and false responsibility are usually manifested in pains and aches around the neck, see, trying to work for Him instead of allowing Him to work through us always results in a religious practice.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Wednesday, May 13, 2020
BREAKING HEAVY YOKESThis lady had a spirit of heaviness that was causing her neck and shoulder pains. Heaviness usually enters when people try to take responsibility for other people or situations that only God can change. These false burdens and false responsibilities are religious spirits that pave the way for a spirit of heaviness to come in. As we prayed for her, her tears manifested responding to the healing God was working in her spiritually to set her free physically. After that she testified to her pain being totally gone! #GlorytoGod #Hallelujah Jesus gives his disciple power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and disease. (Matt 10:1) Jesus also said we are to cast out whatever part of our body that offends (Matt 5:29, Mk 9:47) This means as followers of Christ, we have the authority to cast out that which is unholy or ungodly. We may not yet have the full authority, anointing or faith (Matt 17:19, Luk 9:41) as we are being sanctified, but we will each have a measure of faith given to us to deal with what we are able to (Rom 12:3) See, it was with your faith, without seeing Jesus die on the cross that you believed He died on the cross for you. You didn't see it yourself, yet you had the faith on hearing His testimony to receive Him as your Saviour (1 Cor 1:18, Heb 4:2, Rom 10:14). And you received Him as your #Saviour by simply declaring Him out loud. This is the same in dealing with unclean spirits; you cast them out by commanding them out, you break their stronghold by declaring it. The things of the spiritual realm works through what we say (Prov 18:21, Mk 11:23) Today if you are facing some challenges, use your authority as followers of Christ to cast those spirits out. Ask the Lord to show you the areas of your life that needs to be dealt with; what sins need to be confessed, what needs to be forgiven and how to renew your mind to transform so that you will grow in power and authority. Our greatest weapon will always be the word of God against powers and principalities in the spiritual realm (Eph 6:16-17, Heb 4:12). Be sure to arm yourself well. Even Jesus used the word of God to defeat the devil (Matt 4:1-11, Luk 4:1-13)
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Sunday, December 20, 2020
DELIVERANCE FROM A JEZEBEL SPIRITMany Christians have been spiritually crippled by Jezebel spirits working through leaders. See, Jezebel doesn’t just operate through women as often miss characterised as a seducer with lust. A Jezebel spirit cripples’ people through manipulation and control, attacking anyone who might begin to move out into the supernatural power of God. So this spirit carries most power when it operates through a leadership role, which can be either male or female, because after all a Jezebel spirit is a spirit and its name is just the very nature of its character, which is to try and take people who move in the Holy Spirit out of action. Sadly, this Jezebel spirit usually comes into a leadership following elitism and pride, and usually where there was some success, but “God resists the proud” (James.4:6) and so, a lack of humility will eventually give access to a spirit of elitism. Anyone who has not handled an attack from a spirit of Jezebel well, will be left spiritually crippled, unless they get the proper deliverance, I usually, as I pray in the Holy Spirit, see a knife in the chest area of someone who has been attacked, which explains what is happening in the video to the young lady who came to the meeting held at CKRM, PJ. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph.6:12). Thank God for real Pastors whose desire is to see the whole church walking in their calling and anointing.
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
RECEIVED ANOTHER SPIRITPaul warns about receiving 'another spirit' (2 Cor.11:4). You see, there are evil spirits, unclean spirits, seducing spirits and even lying spirits (Luk 8:2, Acts 8:7, 1 Tim 4:1, 1 Kgs 22:23). In fact, the #bible mentions many other spirits but all these are not the same as the Holy Spirit that was received when Peter and John layed hands on people (Acts 8:17) This lady came with chest pains and a feeling of something stuck in her throat. When we prayed, the Holy Spirit revealed the cause was her 'unforgiveness' towards someone. She confessed this and we were thus able to call out the spirit behind the pain. As we pray, you see her right hand starts swinging in the video. Earlier, we had seen her hand motion and explained to her that the hand movements demonstrate unclean spirits manifesting in the presence of the Holy Spirit. She was taken aback and told us that the hand movement was her 'sword of the spirit'. She said her hand started moving like this years ago during worship services. A few ignorant people remarked positively about it, telling her how spiritual she was. She would often allow this manifestation in church thinking she was being spiritual. One day, a 'prophet' prayed and declared over her that this was her 'sword of the spirit'. She received the pronouncement willingly, believing the declaration. Since then she would fully co-operate with the unclean spirit, allowing her hand to manifest even more dramatically. Before this video, she renounced the declaration and asked God for forgiveness and so we could command the unclean spirits out in Jesus name. Now, spirits are entities without bodies. Jesus says they are often on the prowl, like roaring lions, to find a host to live in (Mat 12:43-45, 1 Pet 5:8) When they find an open door into your life, be it from sin or error, they can enter with other wicked spirits and cause unclean or unholy behavior. Hence we are to test every spirit (1 Jhn 4:1) according to the Word of God and check our motives when we engage in anything or with anyone (Prov 4:23) #PraiseGod ! The spirits left her without resistance and she was #healed and set free! #Hallelujah! #GlorytoGod !
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, March 16, 2021