DELIVERED FROM A SPIRIT OF HEAVINESS CAUSING HEADACHESFrom the beginning of creation and the inception of sin, the hard labour of life was pronounced on man (Genesis 3:19). And so, as we traverse the earth in our lifetime, many of life's responsibilities and challenges can feel like heavy burdens on the heart and mind. The situations and people around us can sometimes feel like they are coming against us and we can experience persecution or feel victimised (Psalm 69:20). As children of God who have accepted Jesus as the atonement for our sins, it means we have also accepted Jesus to bear the weight of the punishment of our sins for us. By His crucifixion, He has carried all our grieves and sorrow from the past into the future (Isaiah 53:4-5). This means that by Jesus, we have been given the peace of God to take us through this life. Many Christians do not claim this peace and continue with their life in hardship, never experiencing the peace He has provided to us. In this video, the lady had constant headaches that stopped as we prayed and broke the spiritual strongholds of heaviness and pressure that were upon her, praise God. As we continue our walk in obedience to sanctify ourselves for the Lord, give him your burdens in prayer and give unto Him continual praise as the garment of praise replaces the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3) The Lord also promises that all who come to Him, will be eased of their burdens Matthew 11:28 "Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest". At Cornerstone Glory International, PJ
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
DELIVERED FROM A SPIRIT OF HEAVINESSFrom the beginning of creation and the inception of sin, the hard labour of life was pronounced on man (Genesis 3:19). And so, as we traverse the earth in our lifetime, many of life's responsibilities and challenges can feel like heavy burdens on the heart and mind. The situations and people around us can sometimes feel like they are coming against us and we can experience persecution or feel victimised (Psalm 69:20). As children of God who have accepted Jesus as the atonement for our sins, it means we have also accepted Jesus to bear the weight of the punishment of our sins for us. By His crucifixion, He has carried all our grieves and sorrow from the past into the future (Isaiah 53:4-5). This means that by Jesus, we have been given the peace of God to take us through this life. Many Christians do not claim this peace and continue with their life in hardship, never experiencing the peace He has provided to us. In this video, through prayer, we broke off the religious spirits that were operating with the spirit of heaviness. And you can see the relief manifesting through his tears before he broke into a smile and confessed that he had been feeling heavy for far 'too long', praise God. As we continue our walk in obedience to sanctify ourselves for the Lord, give him your burdens in prayer and give unto Him continual praise as the garment of praise replaces the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3) The Lord also promises that all who come to Him, will be eased of their burdens Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. At Cornerstone Glory International, PJ
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
SET FREE FROM A SPIRIT OF HEAVINESSFrom the beginning of creation and the inception of sin, the hard labour of life was pronounced on man (Genesis 3:19). And so, as we traverse the earth in our lifetime, many of life's responsibilities and challenges can feel like heavy burdens on the heart and mind. The situations and people around us can sometimes feel like they are coming against us and we can experience persecution or feel victimised (Psalm 69:20). As children of God who have accepted Jesus as the atonement for our sins, it means we have also accepted Jesus to bear the weight of the punishment of our sins for us. By His crucifixion, He has carried all our grieves and sorrow from the past into the future (Isaiah 53:4-5). This means that by Jesus, we have been given the peace of God to take us through this life. Many Christians do not claim this peace and continue with their life in hardship, never experiencing the peace He has provided to us. After praying off the spirits behind her burdens, we prayed for the spirit of peace and the infilling of the Holy Spirit to come upon her. She then testified to the feeling of heaviness being lifted off, praise God. As we continue our walk in obedience to sanctify ourselves for the Lord, give him your burdens in prayer and give unto Him continual praise as the garment of praise replaces the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3) The Lord also promises that all who come to Him, will be eased of their burdens Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. At Cornerstone Glory International, PJ
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
BREAKING HEAVY YOKESThis lady had a spirit of heaviness that was causing her neck and shoulder pains. Heaviness usually enters when people try to take responsibility for other people or situations that only God can change. These false burdens and false responsibilities are religious spirits that pave the way for a spirit of heaviness to come in. As we prayed for her, her tears manifested responding to the healing God was working in her spiritually to set her free physically. After that she testified to her pain being totally gone! #GlorytoGod #Hallelujah Jesus gives his disciple power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and disease. (Matt 10:1) Jesus also said we are to cast out whatever part of our body that offends (Matt 5:29, Mk 9:47) This means as followers of Christ, we have the authority to cast out that which is unholy or ungodly. We may not yet have the full authority, anointing or faith (Matt 17:19, Luk 9:41) as we are being sanctified, but we will each have a measure of faith given to us to deal with what we are able to (Rom 12:3) See, it was with your faith, without seeing Jesus die on the cross that you believed He died on the cross for you. You didn't see it yourself, yet you had the faith on hearing His testimony to receive Him as your Saviour (1 Cor 1:18, Heb 4:2, Rom 10:14). And you received Him as your #Saviour by simply declaring Him out loud. This is the same in dealing with unclean spirits; you cast them out by commanding them out, you break their stronghold by declaring it. The things of the spiritual realm works through what we say (Prov 18:21, Mk 11:23) Today if you are facing some challenges, use your authority as followers of Christ to cast those spirits out. Ask the Lord to show you the areas of your life that needs to be dealt with; what sins need to be confessed, what needs to be forgiven and how to renew your mind to transform so that you will grow in power and authority. Our greatest weapon will always be the word of God against powers and principalities in the spiritual realm (Eph 6:16-17, Heb 4:12). Be sure to arm yourself well. Even Jesus used the word of God to defeat the devil (Matt 4:1-11, Luk 4:1-13)
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Sunday, December 20, 2020
ISSUES OF THE HEARTThis lady had a long list of of illnesses; giddiness, heart pain and swelling, body quivers, diabetes and shoulder pains. We prayed and cast out the spirits in the name of Jesus that caused her sickness and she testified to her pains leaving. She was left basking in the Holy Spirit in complete peace! All Glory to God! Proverbs 4 says this 20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. 21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. 22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. 23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. The closer you are to God and His words and the more you follow His ways, the more your life will be insulated from the troubles of this world. Many fears and concerns arise out of the unknown; not knowing when food comes to the table or whether there will be enough money. But the word of God holds many promises of blessing and protection to those who keep God's ways and the way to know His ways is through His word and by the Holy Spirit. Attend to God's words, listen to what He has to say about the burdens and troubles that you carry and let His words fill your heart and keep you from the all the issues that life brings. #Matthew 11:28,30 ..."Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” #Godisgood #Jesuslives #HolySpirit
Posted by Kevin Dexter Ministry on Sunday, February 7, 2021