Israel broke their covenant with God (Isa.24:5; Jer.11:10) not only because the people failed but also that the leaders offended God. They did not fear God or speak the truths of God. They did not turn people from sin to draw closer to God. As messengers of God, they did not walk in peace and equity with God or had knowledge of the precepts of God. Instead, they caused people to stumble over the law and misunderstand God's plans (Mal.2:5-7). They took to strong drink causing erroneous visions and judgments (Isa.28:6-8) and even slept with helpers of the congregation (1Sam.2:22). Some were violent with their wives yet appeared in grand garments of holy status belying the truth of their marriage (Mal.2:14-16).
God hates hypocrisy but hates it even more in leaders of His people. These leaders honour God with words but have no relationship with Him, teaching doctrines and theologies of men (Mat.15:7-9; Jer.2:8) God was blasphemed among the Gentiles because of such leaders (Rom.2:24) It was so hopeless that God lamented over who would teach His people the right knowledge and doctrine (Isa.28:9). So what could God do to keep us close to Him? God declared that in future, He would not depend on poor leaders to teach His people or let them get in the way of His relationship with us! He said that He himself would put His laws in the hearts of those who reverence Him as God (Jer.31:33-34; Heb.10:15-17) This is through the Holy Spirit who will teach us all things and help us remember the teachings of Christ, the Word of God that we have learnt (Jhn.14:26) The Holy Spirit is for those who thirst, ask and believe on Jesus (Jhn.7:37; Luk.11:13; Acts.19:4). By the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we are adopted as children of God and unified into the body of Christ to fulfil our calling ((Rom.8:16; Eph.4:4). We only become the sons of God when our lives are led by His Spirit (Rom.8:14) Are you in a relationship with God? Does He speak to you? Do you hear Him? Make certain you know Him personally and not through another person, teacher, program, organisation or book. Know Him by His Word so that He may lead and teach you Himself. There is no God like Him! Comments are closed.