Below is Pastor Fred Rudkin's testimony sent to me after the meetings. I was introduced to Kevin Dexter by Kathie Walters, her words were this "if you want healing, see Kevin, he has a ministry in the Holy Spirit and will teach you how to do it!!!!!" Now I have met a few evangelists who carry the anointing and will impart the same to you, but this was the first time I heard not only will he impart but teach you as well, so we invited Kev to minister at our SOL meeting on 2nd December. We started the meeting with just a few worship songs, as we wanted to give Kev, time to minister and teach. He began by giving us a host of stories on how Holy Spirit led him to see healings and deliverances. During the meeting everyone started to smell burning, I had to go and check outside to see if anything was on fire, but the aroma of burning was just in our meeting room! Towards the end of the meeting, he turned to a woman sitting on his right and spoke a word of knowledge to her about her spiritual gifts, that she had birthed something that she was involved with pastorally, which she confirmed to be true. He then told her that when she prayed, he knew that she received many pictures because there was a prophetic gift inside her that needed to come out! He then asked who had the pain in the left eye? And another lady said that was her! So he asked the first lady to lay a hand on her while he prayed and that if she could deliver what God was going to give her but wait until he’s finished praying, to which the lady looked very nervous. Well after he prayed the eye was healed and amazingly the first lady started describing pictures over the now healed lady supporting the words given by Kev, then he continued this format as we progressed the meeting, encouraging the first lady to move out into her prophetic gifting. Another woman asked for prayer, she came because she’d felt so far away from Father God. she wanted confirmation that he was still interested in her! Kev imparted and told her that she had a pastoral gift inside her that she needed to allow the Holy Spirit to bring out, and the woman received a vision of a crown, the prophetic woman confirmed this with great words and actually describing the same crown! Then the woman being prayed for received the sensation of an actual crown pressing down on her head! So here I am watching ministry where the evangelist was imparting various gifts and ministering healing, while at the same time, encouraging others to grow in their gifts allowing the flow of the Holy Spirit to confirm the truths in signs and wonders to the recipients. He encouraged everyone that we are all qualified to minister, Jesus paid the price for us to become His righteousness and qualified everyone to minister by Him. Another woman asked for prayer, who was not well at all, she had a pain in her neck and had previously been to hospital and placed on a special food diet. Kev looked at her and said that he saw a water spirit and he rebuked it in Jesus name, and the spirit manifested making a lot of noise, then she rose up out of her chair and fell forward, face down on the floor convulsing, then let out a loud scream before returning to a calm state. Kev asked the woman moving in the prophetic to share what God had given her, to which the lady said that she had seen a picture of a tropical fish, which confirmed the spirit that Kev had named. The woman was amazed, as she now made the connection and understood what she had received by faith. The following Sunday evening I took Kev to a church where Holy Spirit ministry was welcome, the worship time was awesome and the healing ministry started without announcing, we were in worship and the Pastor came up to me and told me to take Kev over to his daughter who had a hip problem that was stopping her from running, throughout this ministry time I was allowed to shadow Kev and see first-hand how he ministered in the Holy Spirit and imparted gifts. So, the pastor’s daughter stood before us and Kev ministered to her hip and we saw her leg kick out, she confirmed healing, at the same time Kev said she had a prophetic gift that she needed to allow the Holy Spirit to bring out. So immediately after she was healed, he took her with us to the next person who requested prayer. Kevin recognised that this man had an unclean spirit and asked the pastor’s daughter for name that God had given to her while he was praying for the man. She gave Kev the name “warrior”, and when Kev named and commanded the spirit to come out, the man started manifesting! And the praise and worship continued as I was told who was next for prayer by the pastor. Another woman I took Kev to, had a bone marrow problem after short time Kev said it was a water spirit, he rebuked it and deliverance came and she was healed. Now I was beginning to see how the Holy Spirit operated, and Kevin was so moving in confidence that each person would be healed, I heard his prayer/ rebuke, he never asked for demons to go but demanded, while treating each person with dignity who he ministered to, I was so glad to be a part of what was happening. Another request came from a man who had pain across his shoulders and was deaf his in left ear, Kev rebuked a spirit of false responsibility in Jesus name, and the man confirmed that his ear and shoulders was healed. The requests were coming in a steady stream, one woman said she had a frozen shoulder, but then revealed some years previously she had an accident that damaged a bone, Kev told her that the pain would travel down her arm and when it reaches her wrist, she must shake of the devil and as he prayed she confirmed that her pain did exactly that! Kev said, “Give it a good shake!” And as she did, she confirmed the pain had gone and her shoulder was healed. Kev prayed for the Pastors wife, who had a slight pain and deafness in her left ear, He rebuked the pain and demanded all negative words to depart before blowing a light breath into her left ear, proclaiming life and then she was healed! The praise and worship was still happening, I was not tired but totally in awe of how the Holy Spirit was working bringing healing and deliverance through Kev, he would say later on that we were all qualified to bring healing, deliverance and raising the dead, Jesus paid the price so we could do so. Another woman request prayer for a stiff neck and pain across shoulders, Kev rebuked the pain and asked her to move her neck. The lady started moving her head around, then moved her shoulders and as she loosened up she began to dance with her head bobbing along to the music and then Kev held her hands and they both danced, she was completely healed. I was also taken how Kev would minister gifts to people, a man requested prayer for lower back pain from weight training in the gym. Kev said that God was going to give him the gift of evangelism, then Kev pressed his hand on the man’s stomach and the man could feel something enter him! Then Kev told him that he was going to birth evangelism! It brought a smile to his face and he was healed. This was a tremendous time, I was moving alongside this brother in Christ and watching how he ministered, he was telling me at times what to look for and I asked him how he got to know what the problem was and he would tell /show me. This man came and said that he’d had a bike accident some years ago and left his right knee painful, Kev placed his hands on his knee and felt/ heard the bones crack, he asked him to flex knee and he was totally healed. After each healing and deliverance Kev encouraged the person to thank Jesus in praise lifting up their hands. The ministry time now over, I got home rejoicing for I had seen many healings, a few deliverances, I had been shown how to do the same, and the one comment that both Kathie Walters and Kev Dexter always reiterated, that there was no special person marked out to do this ministry, but we all were qualified by the blood of Jesus to do it. It was seeking a more intimate friendship with Jesus and He wanted to work through us to bring the Kingdom healing to a hurting world. I aim to make a life long friendship with Kev, I only wish I’d met him earlier in my Christian walk, but another way of looking at it is this, the Lord Jesus wants us to finish the faith walk in a blaze of glory, it is not how you start out in the faith, but how you finish!! Pastor Fred Rudkin - Speakers of Life, Barnard Castle, UK
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