I was invited to share at an evangelistic coffee morning in Eastwood town centre, with the hope of reaching out to non-Christians, with whom I shared my testimony and stories about hearing God. So afterwards, some people came forward for prayer. The first was a Christian man in a wheelchair – no pressure – so I laid my hands on him and closed my eyes and, with so many people waiting and watching expectantly, I so wanted to say to the man, “Get up and walk!” But that was coming out of my natural thinking; I assumed that was what he wanted prayer for. In my mind, I said to God, "I'm not telling him to get up and walk unless that’s what You want me to do." And at that moment, the Holy Spirit gave me a picture of the man having his chest filled with the Holy Spirit, so by faith, that's exactly what I prayed. When I'd finished praying, the man said to me, "You thought I wanted to get out of this wheelchair, didn't you? But what I really wanted was more of God, and when you prayed, I saw Jesus standing there with a watering can, pouring the Spirit into my chest" – exactly what the Spirit told me to pray!
One of the ladies that came forward was very old, struggling to walk with her walking stick and, as she got closer, I noticed that she had a box on her throat to talk through, so I laid my hand upon her shoulder and started to pray and, all of a sudden, I couldn’t stop laughing; I couldn’t even say my words for the uncontrollable laughter that had come over me. All of a sudden, she started to shake. I can’t imagine how this must have looked to any non-Christian person in the room! She shook so violently that her walking stick flew out of her hand across the room! As the laughter lifted, the old lady put her arms around me and began to cry. It was such an emotional moment and then someone who had picked up the walking stick walked over to give it back to her, and the old lady spoke very sharply and said, “I don’t need that anymore!” and then proceeded to walk out of the coffee shop without it! Wow – Epic God moment! I barely even said a word, and another lady actually handed me her hearing aid after prayer – such a powerful morning. God never ceases to amaze me. This meeting caused me to start asking what people wanted prayer for, instead of just naturally assuming. Much of this and my revelations are written in my “Being Led by the Spirit and receiving your Healing” article. www.eastwoodcommunitychurch.co.uk
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