21st - 24th may - ministering at the Gospel outreach in kovilpatti, india with suresh suviseshamuthu24/5/2015
Below is some video footage taken from the meeting.
2015 Ministering at the Gospel Outreach in Kovilpatti, India One night, the Lord gave me an amazing dream where I was riding a powerful motorcycle, carefully making my way through an extremely large crowd of people towards a stage. There were television cameras and billboards with my picture on them, but my focus was on a beautiful Indian lady who was standing at the back of the stage. I climbed on the stage, took her hands and we started dancing together to the music being played. I was so in awe of her that I was gutted when I woke up! To be honest, I’m someone that doesn’t like being the centre of attention or in the limelight, but I was more interested and hoping that she might be a future partner! A few days later, my mum had a dream that I was packing a suitcase for a long journey to where a storm was brewing, and the “flimsy” buildings that stood in the field there would not withstand this coming storm, for the harvest there was ripe! Come the weekend, before the Sunday service started, an Indian guy I know asked me if I would go with him to India. Well, I didn't want to agree to anything unless I knew that God was in it so, during the worship time, I laid my hands on my mum’s shoulder and asked God, in my mind, if He would reveal the angel over the nation of India to my mum, as a confirmation for me that He was for me going there with this guy. Well, my mum, who’d never even heard my words, fell back into her chair, out in the Spirit and, when she came round, she said that she’d had a vision of what looked like an Asian man, standing in what she thought was the Sea of Galilee, holding out an enormous fish. He spoke and said, “the scales needed removing!” So by faith, I found the Indian guy after the service, and said that I’d received my confirmation, so what is it that we are going to do? And he replied that we were going to a town called Kovilpatti, which in English means “town of temples” or, in my opinion, “flimsy” buildings! He then went on to say that he was setting up a stage for a four-day gospel outreach, with billboards and it was going to be televised too. Just like my dream! Only now, I realized that the beautiful Indian lady actually represented His church there! Not quite what I thought! Well, I received more and more over the couple of months before the event and, at this point in my journey, I’d already witnessed some amazing miracles, but He showed me that I was going to witness a brand new level of signs, wonders and miracles that I’d never had the privilege to witness before. And that’s exactly what I witnessed. It felt like a roller-coaster ride to get to the point of actually being in the hotel room waiting for the first evening of the outreach. My stomach was churning over, in wonder to how it was all going to unfold. I remember messaging Kathie Walters from my room and saying that I felt like I was “freefalling without a parachute, relying on God to catch me!” Her reply was great; she encouraged me to just enjoy what He’s planned and see it like a wedding day. Well as I lay on the bed praying, I heard a song playing in my head, over and over and the lyrics were “I am not forgotten, He knows my name”. I started to sing it, then all of a sudden I felt “tipsy” and gold dust started manifesting in the palms of my hands! Incredible! By the time I reached the outreach I was on cloud 9! The God consciousness made all my self-consciousness fall away, and it was effortless, just to be who God had called me to be, and I entered the “dance”. By the time it came to the impartation, the anointing was so strong that, at times. I couldn’t stand up by myself; in fact, the crowd would sometimes have to hold me up while I was praying for people! It was so obvious that I myself could literally do nothing but listen and act on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the healing angel that was present. I had never experienced anything like it. He said I was going to witness a new level, and I did! I have never seen so many healings and deliverances in one go like this. I was so blessed and privileged to actually witness the blind, deaf and cripples healed in one night! And it continued over the four nights that we were there. I prayed for one Indian lady, and I knew that He wanted her to receive something from Him, but I had to get her to stop her religious striving and show her how to listen and receive by faith instead, which was so difficult with the crowd and the interpretation too, but I did manage to get her to receive. Her face lit up, as she was flooded with pictures and words, while God showed me that she was receiving the gift of prophecy. I encouraged her to pray with me for the next person and, whereas I needed the interpreter to help me minister, this lady was now prophesying over people in her own native tongue, and it wasn’t long before I managed to get the interpreter to pray with us too. Then he started giving pictures that he’d received. It was great to see the ordinary everyday people realize their potential in who they were in Christ and allowing Him to work through them. That lady went on to prophesy over everyone for the rest of the evening! I witnessed droves of people getting set free but, through this tremendous experience, I felt I’d been given a window into the Father heart of God. Amongst all the healing and deliverance, I’d been asked to pray for partners, financial blessings, passing exams and prayers for loved ones to be saved – many wants and needs. But I then came across this lady who had been queueing up for ages, and I asked her, through the interpreter, what she wanted and, while she clutched a Bible to her chest, she started crying and said this, “Please can you help me; I want to know God more but I can’t read.” She so touched my heart; she was the only one at the outreach who didn’t want anything other than a genuine strong relationship with Jesus and, although I’d witnessed the most amazing miracles over four evenings, this was the lady that I couldn’t get out of my mind. To me, this was the greatest miracle of the entire outreach – her complete selfless surrendered heart for her heavenly Father. Now, He can work wonders with that. It was a great honour and a blessing for me to be used for His purpose and to witness His glory, but the truth is that the anointing comes on what He does, not on what we do, so it’s only in knowing Him by faith and loving Him in our yielding that we can serve others by Him flowing through us. You don’t have to be perfect for Him to have a perfect plan for you, but you do need to allow your life to be in Him who is perfect. And all glory, honour and praise be to Him who is the Lord.
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