Below is some video footage taken from the meeting, much fun, healings and deliverances, all thanks to the Lord.
Barnard Castle, UK - 2018
And below is the testimony I received from the lady pictured above, praise God.
Below is another testimony sent to me from the recent S.O.L meeting at Barnard Castle – When he left the meeting, he said that he felt 60-70% healed - So it's great to hear it's now been 100% (for many days) Hallelujah!
A friend, Alan Atkinson 70 (pictured below), whom I had led to the Lord recently, asked Kevin to pray for cramps in his body. He has never been to any healing and deliverance meetings before. His cramps were so bad that he could not sleep properly at night for a long time; in fact he struggled to sit still with them throughout the meeting! Alan said after Kevin Dexter had prayed for him, he has slept like a baby and had no cramps. He is very pleased about it and has had many nights of good sleep. No cramps so far! (over a week later) Amen, Fred Rudkin.
In fact, I received a message from Alan, (a month after the meeting), to tell me that not only is he still 100% healed from his painful cramps, but when he went to his doctors to get checked, he was also given the “all clear” from his diabetic nurse too! 7 years he’d had blood sugar and pressure problems! God is full of surprises, how awesome! And he wasn't the only one, as I'd also received this message below from someone else.
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